Thursday, July 21, 2011

Once you know who to talk to, how do you know what to say?

So, you've segmented your data and learned what you can from your analysis of it. Now what? According to the Sherpa 2011 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report, the key to success for B2B organizations going forward will be to improve their marketing efficiencies in every stage of the buying cycle. 

I think one of the issues is that our natural response to that is, "sell more". Yet, many of the sales and marketing conversations we have with new prospects, in this age of technology and advanced nurturing techniques, happen when we aren't selling at all. This may involve an activity-based or trigger-email nurture cycle, or sending innovative case studies or white papers to your new leads. Then, their response determines how relevant your information is to them. Also according to Sherpa, 92% of buyers are open to cold calls if the information is relevant. 

This sounds like the answer to the "now what?" question is to listen to and monitor your prospects' response to your nurturing program so you can make the sales lead process more efficient. In other words, only send the buyers who respond to your relevant messages to your sales reps. It will save time in the sales process, and they will likely even thank you for the leads.

Need help getting started with your lead nurturing program? Learn how mardevdm2 can help. 

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